"Bl'gharaq ta'xbinhom missirijietna hadmu qattiegh u naqqxu l- istorja Taghna fil-blat", "B'demmhom iddefendew gziriritna kontra l-ghadu u ma rmew l-azzarin qatt", "B'Kuragg determinazzjoni u qlubija ggieldu biex nisgu storja ta'gens Li sawwritna tul is-snin biex ghamlitna Maltin", "Ma ninsew qatt nonoraw dejjem u nqumu mill-gdid meta mheddha pajjizna jsehhilna"

Malta is Not For Sale and why it's important

We Citizens of Malta disagree whole-heartedly with the sale of Maltese Citizenship as proposed recently by Government through the scheme it has called the ‘Individual Investment Programme’.

There is no concept of investment in this programme and instead Maltese Citizenship is crassly being offered for cash. It is our position that Citizenship should never under any circumstance, be for sale.

This does not mean that we are against a proper Citizenship programme. One which welcomes individuals to become citizens of Malta after a reasonable period of assessment, once a genuine link to the country is created after living in Malta and investing in the economy of the country creating jobs and wealth for other nationals or has otherwise rendered exceptional services to the Republic of Malta.

On this site we have attempted to outline the issues relating to the controversial scheme that has recently been introduced by the Government. For more information go to "More Info".

This site is an appeal to the Government to reconsider the position it has taken and to work together with the Opposition to create a Citizenship programme which is appropriate and which embodies the values of integrity and respect. Only if there is consensus can there be stability, which is fundamental for the well-being and economy of Malta.

Any Citizenship programme must show respect to both the people of Malta and other EU Member States. Malta is a member of the European Union and therefore any action it takes must be done with the utmost of respect for its position as a member of the Union.